Clone Wars Adventures let you play as a Jedi , lead clone troopers and you can customize yourself , just click the button with a clone's helmet on it below and in side you can customize yourself wearing clone trooper's gear , Jedi's gear , Bounty hunter's gear ,e.t.c. You can even buy them in the stores , some gears might need to be a jedi member to buy it , some need SC , SC is station cash in shot form , a lot of Jedi's gear need to be a member to buy it , such as Obi-Wan Kenobi , Ahsoka Tano , Kit Fisto...Using SCs , you can buy a snow trooper's set , a z-6 rotary canon , a dorid... Talking about dorids , you can click on the "dorid" button and inside you can buy dorids like R2-D2 , when you brought it , the dorids will appear in your house , click the button with a house on it to go to your house , it might load a while for it , in the house , you can decorate your house , you can buy them from the stores or if you did brought them before , then you can put the chairs , sofas , tables...after putting them , if you don't like it , you can click on the furniture and it will have a circle on it , the top one says move , the right one says turn right and the left one says turn left , after that you can go to your trophy room and see your trophies in the games , you can play games by clicking the green button with a triangle on it , there are lots of games , such as Stunt gungan , Zilo beast , Current defenders , I like the Stunt gungan , you can help Jar Jar to fly to the most fardest place , the other games let you to fight the battles over again , you can control a star fighter , a crusier or even canons , when you are in the main hall , there are stairs , go up and go in to the doors , you will be in the Jedi temple , inside is cool , I even saw a destroyer dorid once in the temple , thousand of people were chasing it , I was being hunted by the dorid!!!There are other rooms for us to play more games , such as the Hanger , the lough room , the training room , e.t.c. There are games for relaxation , I like the speeder race , go to the hanger and find Kit Fisto , I am sure you will find a lot of fun in the racing , I often won , the hanger exits have two clones , blade standing there , click on the left clone , he will tell jokes , such as "Clone#1:Knock knock. Clone#2:Who's there? Clone#1:Wind , Clone#2:Wind who? Clone#1:Mace!!!Got it ?Mace Wind-who , Mace Windu!!"Yeah , these jokes are kind of cool and funny .When you get in to the game , there will be some thing pop out , there is a game call daily spin , when you spin the wheel once , there will be numbers , those numbers are the credits you get that day , you can have credits by playing games , spinning the daily spin , OR collect the blue balls or gold balls with a republic symbol on it , when you collect a blue ball , you got 25 credits , when you collect a gold ball , you got 100 credits!!!!But the gold ball is very rare , I only got one in he game , you can also add friends in the game , then you can chat by clicking the buddy list , if you really want to get something , but you can't maybe cause' you are not a Jedi member or don't have SCs , you can insert cheat codes!!I have some , for a speeder bike , insert jetpck01 , for a full commander cody's amour , insert 3242341 , for SCs , insert cwagift10 (Warning:This cheat is only good for frist recession , so insert the cheat frist and then after if they say the code is ok , then you make an account , the other codes , you can insert after making the account.)(Warning:Some codes may already be expried , so if you can't insert it , don't blame me or George Lucas)If you guys want to add me , here is the name:Corran Skycrusier , if there is anything you want to ask , send a e-mail to : , if you want to play the game , go to: www.clone wars adventures .com .
(Warning:Remember , some worlds you type in the chat may come out like this:###)
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